Championship Show October 8, 2022
Judge Janet Lobb - Canada- Bitches
Minor Puppy (5, 1a)
1. Taylor & Stracey’s Krieger's In Style - typey overall, pleasing head ,straight parallel front and rear,adequate bone for age, as was depth and fill. Back straight and firm, standing on nicely angled hind legs .All limbs supported by strong compact feet. A clean and efficient mover for her age
2. Ingram & Lack’s Jojavik Belladonic Fame - Another lovely girl with similar qualities ,but not quite to the same degree as number one . Could use a stronger fore face and I'd like to see head planes more level. She also moved well .A feminine lovely look to her.
3. Webb’s Shalissa’s Perfect Blend
Puppy (7, 4a)
1. Reid’s ZZ Dreamgirl v Noble Line (Imp Nor) NAF- She caught my eye entering the ring. Clean head, dark eye ,ears laying correctly. Her expression quite pleasing. Angulation and proportions provided an elegant outline, with enough bone and substance for her age. Pretty arched neck with smooth flow into shoulders of sufficient lay. Top was straight and firm. Lovely tailset. Nicely balanced rear to match front. Clean on the down and back and did not disappoint on the go round. A bright future ahead for this youngster. My Reserve CC
2. Daniel’s Tuwos Macy Gray V Mattacane - A nice sound package, head planes off slightly and needed a bit more muzzle depth, but still a feminine expression.- strong necked , proper depth with enough fill. Forequaters may have been a little forward set and pasterns displayed a little weakness at times. Nicely conditioned overall and moved efficiently in all views.
3. Jones & Ingram’s ’ Jojavik Unforgettable
Junior (9, 2a)
1. Pollard’s - Manzart Yuliana at Whizzbean- correct medium size with a smooth outline, head features providing pleasing expression.Forquaters nicely angled ,arched neck into smooth shoulder and straight slightly sloped top. A hindquarter to match front. Movement from all views efficient. A typy feminine gal with much to appreciate.
2. Robinson’s -Vivat De Vinko Vendeta For Korifey (Imp Rus) Lux Jun Ch- A taller young bitch. Smooth feminine outline.Dark eyed,sufficient strength of foreface. Needs some depth and fill that should come with maturity. Moved cleanly down and back and used the angles she has. Lots to grow into but pretty overall.
3. Wedgbury’s Manzart Extra Special
Yearling (7, 4a)
1. Mycroft’s - Supeta's Diamond in The Sky - Medium sized and a square appearance I appreciate. Dark eyed with a stop showing a little prominence. A smooth firm balanced outine overall, however a little straight in upper arm whilst neck blended into shoulder cleanly. She moved well from all views. I prefered her size in this class. A quality bitch for a 2yr old.
2. Robinson’s - Vivat De Vinko Vendeta For Korifey (Imp Rus) Lux Jun Ch
3. Morgan’s Satinea Fevronia at Telenndu
Post Graduate (5, 1a)
1. Merrett’s - Grafmax Titania - A very pleasing gal showing sufficient balance and angles fore and aft. Head proportioned well, darked eyed and ear well placed. Proper bone and substance, displaying the required elegence. Neck transitioned into shoulder nicely, well ribbed back with tight top piece. Stands on strong compact feet.
2. Revell’s- -Jojavik Midnight Lullaby - A taller bitch but another pleasing outline overall. Had the required elegence and adequate bone. Could use more depth and strength to muzzle. Upper arm could be a bit longer, but depth and fill still evident. Ground covering and clean down and back.
3. Robinson’s - Vivat De Vinko Vendeta For Korifey (Imp Rus) Lux Jun Ch
Limit (7,1a)
1. Hutchinson’s - Supetas Diamonds RForever With Debison- a medium sized ,correctly square in appearance, a substantial bitch that I really appreciate, A little masculine in head but did not offend, as she was clearly also feminine. Even though she was carrying unnecessary weight on this day, she displayed a firm smooth outline overall. Balanced front and rear with sufficient angles, Displayed strength of hindquarter. Moved clean and strongly. A very nice bitch displaying qualities I would be seeking as a breeder. She's obviously a good eater She may have been a contender for a higher award if in top condition.
2. Hunt’s Jojavik Express Yourself at Virsco - Quality girl a little different in style, nicely bodied, smooth anf firm throughout. Dark eyed and pleasing expression. Sufficient depth and fill, displaying correct bone in straight legs. Moved well in all aspects.
3. Pardoe’s Aritaur Sonnet
Open (8, 3a)
1. Sanderson’s -Jodaseen Cardinal Envy- A class with nice depth of quality , displaying more finish and fitness overall. Placings could easily be switched. My first Gal was typey and square, smooth overall, with a balanced outline, nicely boned, on strong compact feet. I appreciated her substance and condition. A little straight in upper arm but nicely filled in front and had the depth. She was well ribbed back and strong over loin and croup. Moved well on both ends and a purposeful side gait. She posessed an attractive head with required expression.
2. Pilgrim’s -Swnydwr Snapchat at Woodbriar JW ShCEx OSW a very useful and typey gal , dark eyed and pleasing expression. A nicely placed shouder but a straighter upper arm. Slightly arched neck blending smoothly into shoulder and top piece. Good fill and depth in front ,standing straight on strong well boned legs and great feet. Displayed correct amount of ribspring. She was straight and true moving in front but was pulling too hard affecting her rear. She pushed very hard for 1st in this class.
3. Tant’s Granadeya Aosta JW
Champion (3)
A very strong class, quality throughout.
1. Bisland’s - Ch Krieger's Highland Fling - This gal made an impression on first go round, so strong and athletic, She was very exhuberant and challenged her handler's task to contain it. A beautiful outline, displaying correct type and came quite close to my template for a bitch. Dark eyed with correct head planes, proper depth of muzzle that was well proportioned with skull, all providing overall pleasing expression. She was balanced fore and aft, her top and underlines all blending nicely. The total package stayed intact standing and on the move, a highly sought attribute I search for when evalulating. She possessed the correct amount of bone and substance, nicely filled in front and good depth of chest, well ribbed back and firm through loin to a well muscled strong hindquarter. Now that I know her young age, I suspect maturity will only enhance the picture. This bitch moved very clean and tight from all views and had a powerful side gait. And with all of this, she exhibited an alert and strong character. My definite choice for the Challenge. Bitch CC & RBIS
2. Morgan’s - Ch. Korifey Opium - Very nice bitch of a size I very much appreciate. Dark eyed , well proportioned head with good planes. Another pleasing head. Smooth and firm overall, enough bone and substance, her front well angulated, strong on top, with a slightly longer second thigh ,evident in hindquarter and rear movement on the day. Clean and straight in front , all legs supported by a compact strong foot.
3. Ingram & Henderson’s Multi Ch. Jojavik Devil’s Ivy, I did want to mention that she was also was also of high quality and pushed hard for the 2nd position on this day.
Veteran (3, 1a)
1. Lainchbury’s Ch. Ashlain Trypiti -at 81/2 years she displayed a nice smooth outline overall. Eyes nice and dark of good set. Ears in line. Pleasing expression. Acceptable shoulder lay however slightly shorter in upper arm. Maintained a firm top. Straight and clean in front and used her rear efficiently even though it could be more muscled.
Her age and condition was noticeable but still a quality animal.
2. Tyler’s - Ch Chancepixies Angelena - 7 yrs -Similar strengths and weakness as 1st place veteran. Showed depth and sufficient fill. Well boned.A dark good colour to eyes for a brown. Again a straighter upper arm and she also could use some muscling and condition in rear quarters. I think these two gals are enjoying an easier less active life, as they rightfully deserve at this stage in life 